One of my favorite monthly rituals is opening our boxes of seasonal and holiday books and bringing out these classic stories. December is the time
As I have shared with you, Hurricane Sandy was a disaster for much of the Tri-State area. There are people living in homes with giant
On Naturally Educational, I do not promote a lot of products. My core philosophy is that we don’t need a lot of fancy bells and
Have you heard about #GivingTuesday? The idea is that we take a day after the frenzy of Black Friday (in which I do not participate)
I just wanted to share a little with you about our Thanksgiving morning. It has become our annual tradition to join Volunteer 4 Long Island

Our Gratitude Tree
We made a gratitude tree out of a cardboard paper towel tube, a paper bowl, and construction paper to express our thanks for all of

Handprint Turkeys
With Thanksgiving so early this year and coming on the heals of the Sandy “Frankenstorm,” we’ve been focusing on helping others and keeping things simple.

I’ve started and stopped this post dozens of times. I want to tell you some contradictory things. I am grateful. I am so very grateful.

Our Favorite Thanksgiving Crafts and Books
While Hurricane Sandy and the power outage and projects to try to help in my region have kept posting light, we still have a lot
9 Picture Books About Election Day for Kids
At Lifetime Moms, I posted 6 Ways to Talk About the Election with Kids. Picture Books are a great way to introduce complex topics like