IMax-Burkholder-Parenthoodn a recent episode of NBC’s new show Parenthood, a character who was recently diagnosed with Aspberger’s Syndrome is kicked out of his public school for a disruption in the classroom. Throughout the rest of the episode, his parents push to get him accepted at a private school where he will thrive…
Things have been a bit busy around here and running another blog carnival turned out to be more than I really have time to do
She’s Like a Rainbow
March is a great time for learning about the weather, including rainbows! Kids love rainbows with their bright colors and mystery–and there is plenty of opportunity for scientific exploration!
With our preschoolers, we made dyed pasta rainbows…
If you live in certain regions of the United States or Canada, March is a perfect time for an outdoor activity that is as delicious as it is educational – Maple Sugaring!
Find a local Maple Syrup Festival or take a road trip! If you are heading to Vermont, check out Find & Go Seek’s listings of Vermont Maple Festivals.
My family headed to Benner’s Farm for their annual Maple Sugaring event. My children had an opportunity to learn about the Sugar Maple Tree (which New York, Vermont, Wisconsin, and West Virginia share as their state tree), tap trees for sap, watch the sap being boiled, taste fresh maple syrup, and even watch them making maple sugar candy. I think the candy was the highlight for my daughter…
Welcome to the first Teachable Moments Tuesday! I have no idea if this will take off or not but I’d like to provide a forum
I’ve been reading a lot of great posts on educational blogs–written by teachers, crafters, artists, homeschoolers, and other educators. I was thinking of writing a
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb
As we enter the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it is a great time to talk with young children about the weather.
Last year, we used a calendar “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb” project to explore the concept of the changing weather…
National Bird Feeding Month
In honor of National Bird Feeding Month, we went to a bird feeder craft playdate. We made birdfeeders from pinecones, peanut butter, raisins, birdseed, and sunflower seeds…
Inspired by a recent visit to the Long Island Science Center, I wrote up some at-home versions of the exhibits and a list of some great places to find more science experiments for children…
November and December have been very busy months here but, before it is too late, I wanted to share some holiday crafts and homemade gift