My family and I head outdoors at every possible opportunity. A big part of my educational philosophy is that learning best occurs with a genuine
Hopping Down the Bunny Trail: Easter Rabbit Ears Headband
My daughter made these cute little bunny ears at her Pre-K story and craft time so we decided to make them with our playgroup, too.
Earth Day Books for Kids
Many of our crafts involve re-purposed / recycled materials and now that we are in full spring swing we are closely connected with the new
April Showers (Water Cycle Experiments)
Mommy, why does it rain? Or, lately, the question is: Why does it drizzle, rain, and pour so much around here? April is the month
R is for Rain
My kids love to water color, so we created water color letters for our study of rain. I outlined bubble letters–the word “Rain” for my
I was absolutely thrilled when Allison from No Time for Flashcards invited me to participate in this project. I am proud to have contributed two
March Weather Bar Graph
Just like we gradually introduce our children to the signs and sounds of language, mathematics pre-literacy is an important first step towards understanding operations and
Digging for Knowledge
What can you learn digging around in dirt? A whole lot! We’ll be learning about plants and flowers this spring and what better place to
Has Cinderella devoured the self-esteem of our daughters? Do young women today have more or fewer options in forging their own identity? I confess to