In the hustle and bustle of a busy month, it is easy to lose the “reason for the season”. Whether you are celebrating a religious
My daughter made a DIY medicine bag / pouch of her own design, inspired by some of the traditional ones we saw. When my three

Hope you enjoy your feast tomorrow! My daughter has been diligently working on her costume for her kindergarten Thanksgiving party. She was very insistent on
Native American Indian Medicine Bag for Kids
My daughter noticed the medicine bags when we were looking at pictures online of traditional Native American dress. So, we decided to make a simple
Fall Leaf Prints
We’re in one of the last zones to experience the fall leaf change. Well, our trees have finally exploded in color! I was concerned that
We got together with a friend and baked patriotic sugar cookies and made simple cards. Most of these are going to an assisted living home
5 Picture Books About Thanksgiving and Turkeys
Here are some of our favorite picture books about Thanksgiving and Turkeys. These are the children’s books my kids look forward to each year. You
Dreamcatcher Craft for Kids
My son and I made this simple dreamcatcher craft for kids. This is a revisit of the dreamcatcher craft my daughter made last year. My

Easy, Edible Sugar Skulls (Calavera) for Dia de Los Muertos
Today, we made easy, edible calaveras for Dia de los Muertos with the kids. Traditional Mexican Sugar Skulls for Dia de los Muertos are time-intensive
Simple Calaveras Masks for Dia de los Muertos
After Halloween, our friends from Latin America celebrate Día de los Muertos. The holiday has its roots in an idea similar to the Celtic Samhain