I would like to say I was shocked when I heard about the incredibly sexist Barbie: I Can Be a Computer Engineer Book (warning: profanity
Category: Mathematics

Sugar Cube Pyramids
My children and I tried two methods to build pyramids as part of our study of Ancient Egypt. The first is the sugar cube pyramid.
Pi Day Printable Magic Hat
Pi is such a magic number and March 14 (3/14) is Pi Day! Coincidentally, it is also Albert Einstein’s birthday. Although it is usually represented

German Straw Star Ornaments
Every year, we make ornaments for teachers, friends, and family. Last year, my children made traditional German Star Ornaments, called Strohsterne. I first spotted these
In the past, I’ve written about the Common Core from the perspective of its inevitable arrival and how we can help prepare our kids. I’ve
Math is everywhere! Every day we use math–to estimate distances, tell time, divide up treats, listen to music, take care of finances, and to make
We are making mini pizzas (pizzetas) and dividing them up into fractions. First, we practiced with paper plates! To sweeten the mathematics lesson about fractions,
Pasta Pasta- homemade pasta making
I absolutely love when I find the opportunity to turn a chore or fun activity into a science lesson. I was making some homemade

My daughter just moved on to two digit addition with regrouping (that’s “carrying” for us old folks). Since a dime conveniently equals 10 pennies, I
March: Yup, In Like a Lion!
While we still haven’t seen the kids’ much-wished-for snow, March entered like a lion with a wet, cloudy, chilly day. As in past years, we