I saw these adorable witch hat cookies on Pinterest but the link just led back to a photograph. As far as I can tell, the
Category: Home Arts

How to Make a Daisy Chain Flower Crown (Plus, Video Tutorial)
In mid-August, the black-eyed Susan and purple cone flowers reach their peak around here. It is a perfect time to take a nature walk and

Trying to Eat Healthy We try to eat healthy around here. Unlike some people I admire very much, however, it isn’t my main passion or

Sharpie Fireworks T-Shirt
My friend, Athena, hosted an awesome craft group this afternoon. The girls made fireworks t-shirts and I know my son is going to want to
My daughter wanted Halloween-themed snacks for her play date and she wanted at least one option to be “more healthy.” So, we made these spider
Chocolate Covered Pretzel Bats: Halloween Snack
My daughter is very into “themes.” We were discussing a play date and I mentioned that we would have some Halloween crafts for her friends.
Blackberry Jammin’
Have you been enjoying the summer? I cannot believe it is almost fall! We were able to join the tot cooking classes at Garden of
My kids and I love looking through and doing my old lessons which I had used when I taught. Here is one of my
We are making mini pizzas (pizzetas) and dividing them up into fractions. First, we practiced with paper plates! To sweeten the mathematics lesson about fractions,
Pasta Pasta- homemade pasta making
I absolutely love when I find the opportunity to turn a chore or fun activity into a science lesson. I was making some homemade