Usually I keep reviews on another site but this is one of the most educational items we use constantly in our household: Kids World Dry
Category: Geography

Studying the human body with your kids? Or maybe you are practicing cartography and navigation with your junior adventurers? Here are some of the best
Show us how you’re having a Smart Summer! I had highlighted posts from the previous week’s linky to but for clarity’s sake, I’ve moved the
Me on the Map #SmartSummer
Although we finished up the Me on the Map theme last week, we had one more activity we wanted to do. This is a nice
Mapping a Nature Hike #SmartSummer
Knowledge is supposed to enrich our lives, not just reside in dusty books (or hypnotic bits and bytes). So, we took our map skills on
Show us how you’re having a Smart Summer! I’ve been sharing my family’s Smart Summer activities this week: painting life-sized portraits, reading picture books about
Moving and Grooving to Music Around the World #SmartSummer
Music is a big part of our lives. My grandfather was a professional musician and my daughter loves to play piano. And music is a

Mapping Your Neighborhood for #SmartSummer
Now that we’ve learned a little bit about maps, we are using maps to find our favorite places in our neighborhood. In advance, I printed
Picture Books About Maps
We usually turn to books for research and to reinforce themes. Since the children are already familiar with maps from our travels and nature hikes,
The first Smart Summer Challenge theme is “Me on the Map”! What is the Smart Summer Challenge? Amy of, MaryLea of Pink and Green