Splashing, swimming, and sailing, in sinks, water tables, pools, lakes, and oceans…studying sea creatures, washing, measuring, and floating…there is so much fun to be had
Category: Smart Summer Challenge

Forest and Woodlands Activities and Crafts Round-Up
In almost every season we love to go out hiking in the woods. We never know what forest creatures we’ll find! And we love seeing

Backyard Science Activities, Crafts, and Books
Children are natural scientists and the backyard is the perfect laboratory. Whether you are digging in the garden with kids, chasing butterflies and other bugs

Government, Democracy, and Currency Activities
As a former history and social studies teacher, teaching about government should come natural to me. However, I found it challenging to break down this
Show us how you’re having a Smart Summer! The Prize for this, the FINAL SMART SUMMER CHALLENGE week…Outer Space Week, is from HP. PLUS we
Constellations: Stars in Your Eyes and in the Skies
As far back as we know, people have looked at the night skies and seen pictures in the stars. Before modern navigation technology, it was
We’re winding down the “Smart Summer Challenge” over here. The challenge is all about combating the “summer slide”: the “brain drain” some researchers have found
Outer Space Songs for Preschool through Elementary School
We like to sing songs as we learn. Audio cues have always helped me remember information and it seems to work well with my children,
The Sun, Earth, and Moon
I do a brief demonstration with my kids of how the earth rotates on its axis to create night and day, how the Earth orbits
We began with ourselves and our communities, explored the natural world around us and now, for the final week of the Smart Summer Challenge, we’re