In mid-August, the black-eyed Susan and purple cone flowers reach their peak around here. It is a perfect time to take a nature walk and
Category: Summer

Sharpie Fireworks T-Shirt
My friend, Athena, hosted an awesome craft group this afternoon. The girls made fireworks t-shirts and I know my son is going to want to
Blackberry Jammin’
Have you been enjoying the summer? I cannot believe it is almost fall! We were able to join the tot cooking classes at Garden of
Each year we try to paint fireworks with a different technique and this is my favorite effect, yet. Materials: wax paper black or dark blue
8 Picture Books to Enjoy in the Summer Sun
Last year we shared five of our favorite picture books about summer and here are three more summer children’s books to add to our
How to Make a Flower Fairy
We made these Flower Fairies in early summer but I am just getting around to posting them. In the fall, we will make them with
Beaches, water tables, sprinklers, the sink, the bath–if it involves water and getting soaking wet, it is sure to be a hit with young children…especially
Butterfly Coffee Filter Craft
After we released our butterfly friends it just seemed like there was something missing from our home. So, we made one of our favorite crafts:
We’ve visited our local vivarium and are fascinated by butterflies. To get a closer look at the butterfly life cycle, we ordered the Insect Lore