Today, please welcome the fun-tabulous Jamie of Hands on : as we grow. She has a gift for sneaking authentic learning into fun, play-time activities.
Category: Bodily-kinesthetic
While I am on a short maternity leave, I have invited a few of my favorite activity, craft, and education bloggers to share a guest
Rain Stick
Not that we need more rain… Since we are studying rain and the water cycle in April, we made rain sticks. This is a nice
Getting physical with your learning is a great way to reinforce academic lessons. The connection is especially strong with language and literacy. The experience reinforces
Shaving Cream Art (Tactile Fun!)
Studies have shown that students physically involved with learning score higher on subsequent exams–and we’re not just talking about the toddler, preschooler, kindergartner set. The
Valentine’s Day may be over but we’re still enjoying some of the treats we made. The biggest hit was these chocolate-covered pretzels my daughter made.

Pancakes from Scratch
Unless you have a field of wheat growing in your backyard, you may need to take a few shortcuts–but making a batch of pancakes is a great cooking with kids activity that we do most weekends with our children.
Kinesthetic learners will jump right in when given the opportunity to play theater games.
Even the simplest games can build a child’s confidence and skills. Theater games utilize two of children’s biggest assets, imagination and energy, to build on their ability to focus, creatively problem solve, and cooperate…