In Saige, the first book for the American Girl of the Year for 2013, Saige Copeland, author Jessie Haas shares an inspiring story about a
Category: History and Culture
Rudolph and Friends: A Reindeer Footprint Craft
Holly, a friend of mine, posted this family reindeer footprint craft and was kind enough to allow me to share it with you. Isn’t it

The Twelve Days of Christmas Picture Books
One of my favorite monthly rituals is opening our boxes of seasonal and holiday books and bringing out these classic stories. December is the time

Our Gratitude Tree
We made a gratitude tree out of a cardboard paper towel tube, a paper bowl, and construction paper to express our thanks for all of

Our Favorite Thanksgiving Crafts and Books
While Hurricane Sandy and the power outage and projects to try to help in my region have kept posting light, we still have a lot
9 Picture Books About Election Day for Kids
At Lifetime Moms, I posted 6 Ways to Talk About the Election with Kids. Picture Books are a great way to introduce complex topics like
Chocolate Covered Pretzel Bats: Halloween Snack
My daughter is very into “themes.” We were discussing a play date and I mentioned that we would have some Halloween crafts for her friends.
Yarn Art Pumpkin Halloween Craft
We have some favorite Halloween crafts we do almost every year and we also try to add some new ones in. In the past, we
Picture Books for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot
We enjoy exploring traditions from a number of cultures. Although we are a Christian family, I try to introduce my family’s Jewish heritage to my
To the Victor Goes the Olive Wreath
One of the joys of having children is that I get to learn along with them! I had always thought that Olympic champions received laurel