In mid-August, the black-eyed Susan and purple cone flowers reach their peak around here. It is a perfect time to take a nature walk and
Category: 9-11 (Elementary)

Straw Pan Pipe Craft for Kids
My daughter came home very excited that she had made a pan pipe out of drinking straws at camp. However, she had left the homemade

Sharpie Fireworks T-Shirt
My friend, Athena, hosted an awesome craft group this afternoon. The girls made fireworks t-shirts and I know my son is going to want to

Hot Air Balloon Craft – Inspired by American Girl Saige
My daughter is really enjoying her Saige American Girl of the Year doll. She’s been reading the second book, Saige Paints the Sky. So, we

Create your own Dinosaur Fossils
At a recent trip to the American Museum of Natural History, we say this Dinosaur Skeleton Fossil Playset and I claimed it as my own

You’re A-MAZE-ing! Simple Photo Valentine with a Maze
My daughter cannot bring candy in with her Valentines so we could not use lollipop Valentines. Instead, we usually use pencils. This year, she wanted

Our Gratitude Tree
We made a gratitude tree out of a cardboard paper towel tube, a paper bowl, and construction paper to express our thanks for all of
Yarn Art Pumpkin Halloween Craft
We have some favorite Halloween crafts we do almost every year and we also try to add some new ones in. In the past, we
Shark Week Kids Craft: Duct Tape Paper Cup Shark
We’re kicking off shark week around here with a fun shark craft for kids. Sharks are the largest fish and are at the top of
To the Victor Goes the Olive Wreath
One of the joys of having children is that I get to learn along with them! I had always thought that Olympic champions received laurel