OK, I know that they are generally benign and quite important to our ecosystem but the eight-legged things just freak me out, okay? Still, I
Category: 6-8 (Early Elementary)
Gone Batty!
I found these toilet paper roll bats on Filth Wizardry (what a great blog name!), via The Crafty Crow. I recommend clicking over to Filth

Paper Pumpkin Craft
Our home has been completely invaded by pumpkins–real, decorative, and crafted! Here’s my daughter’s latest pumpkin project–a toilet paper roll and construction paper pumpkin that

Yarn Pumpkin
We made a yarn pumpkin, similar to this yarn egg we made for Easter. This requires some manual dexterity and patience but it is very

Leaf Spirits
I saw this lovely autumn-themed craft on Twig and Toadstool, a very inspiring place, indeed, and was motivated to make some “leaf spirits” of my

Corn Husk Dolls
Since it is harvest time at the farms around here, we decided to make a corn husk doll. Unlike most of the crafts I post

Sweet Dreams
My daughter has been asking for ways to keep out “bad dreams”. I suggested we make a dreamcatcher together. The authentic method involves willow branches

Four Seasons of the Apple Tree
A chill is in the night air, children are returning to school, and another season is turning. Fall is perhaps my favorite season of all.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, We Are Going to the Moon!
For our summer crafts and story and circle time, we started learning about our families and then explored the natural world around us. Then we
Inspired by this craft on the Elmer’s Glue site, we made our own flag today. The site says appropriate for kids 5-11 but I think