Even before my eldest could talk, she loved birds. I admit, I did not know much about birds before my kids came along, but I’ve
Category: 3-5 (Preschool)
Rudolph and Friends: A Reindeer Footprint Craft
Holly, a friend of mine, posted this family reindeer footprint craft and was kind enough to allow me to share it with you. Isn’t it

Our Gratitude Tree
We made a gratitude tree out of a cardboard paper towel tube, a paper bowl, and construction paper to express our thanks for all of

Handprint Turkeys
With Thanksgiving so early this year and coming on the heals of the Sandy “Frankenstorm,” we’ve been focusing on helping others and keeping things simple.
Yarn Art Pumpkin Halloween Craft
We have some favorite Halloween crafts we do almost every year and we also try to add some new ones in. In the past, we
Olympic Torch Craft for the Openning Ceremony
We’re in full Olympics-mode here. My kids first learned about the Olympics through D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths and were thrilled to find out that
Each year we try to paint fireworks with a different technique and this is my favorite effect, yet. Materials: wax paper black or dark blue
How to Grow Grass Caterpillars
We actually made our grass caterpillars in April as part of our Earth Day explorations but our “quick grow” grass seed was not quite quick
Cherry Blossom Stamps
We’re celebrating spring with lots of floral crafts! Here’s a cherry blossom stamp art project. Bonus: you reuse/recycle a soda or water bottle for your
Coffee Filter Easter Eggs
We made these coffee filter Easter eggs last year and will probably make some more this year. I love the tie-dye effect! Materials: coffee filter