My daughter came home very excited that she had made a pan pipe out of drinking straws at camp. However, she had left the homemade craft instrument there and wanted to make another one. I helped her figure out a way of making one at home. Ours was a little different and she really liked it.

Straw Pan Pipes Craft Playing Tex


  • plastic drinking straws
  • tape (clear or decorative Washi tape)
  • scissors
  • yarn or thread (optional)



Straw Pan Pipes Craft D1 Cut

1. Cut the drinking straws in increasingly smaller sizes.


Straw Pan Pipes Craft D2 Tape

2. Tape the straws in size order. We wrapped the tape around one straw, then added the second straw (leaving a little space if you plan to also use thread or yarn), then wrapped the tape around both straws, then added the third straw, etc. We wanted to use Washi tape but couldn’t find ours–I think that would be a cute addition.


Straw Pan Pipes Craft D3 Tie

3. We wrapped gold thread above and below the tape, over two, back one, then tie off at the end. You could even remove the tape if you wrap tightly enough. I think this gives it a more traditional look…well, as traditional as neon plastic straws can look.


Straw Pan Pipes Craft D4 Play

You aren’t going to get a loud sound out of it but maybe that’s a plus? My kids certainly had fine playing the pipes until they got dizzy.

Straw Pan Pipes Craft Text

Educational Connections:

  • History / Culture: Find out where the pan pipes got their name. Where else have cultures developed similar pipe instruments? What materials do they make to use them?
  • Science / Mathematics: How do you make a sound on the pan pipes? Why do the different lengths of pipes make different pitched notes?
  • Music: Try to play a simple song on your pan pipes.

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