On May 31, 5:18 am, we welcomed Conrad Ulysses, 9 pounds, 15 ounces, 22.5 inches, into our family. It was a very easy delivery compared
Year: 2011
Today, please welcome the fun-tabulous Jamie of Hands on : as we grow. She has a gift for sneaking authentic learning into fun, play-time activities.
Here are some of our crafts that make fun presents for dad or grandpa! Mosaic Coasters Photo Pencil Holders No-Sew Sachet (Guest Post from Jamie
As part of our study of flowers, we dissected a bloom from a rhododendron bush in our backyard. This was a good opportunity to see
Daffodil Craft
We had our April Showers and then some and we’ve been waiting on our May Flowers. We’ve had a few soggy buds but the lack
My almost five year old daughter is too young for homework–or at least that is what I believe. She’s picked up on the idea somewhere,
B is for Beans
After our Bean Plant Life Cycle Experiments, we used beans to make a letter “B” and spell the word “beans”. This is a simple activity
Memorial Day is coming up. While we’re preparing for barbecues and family time, we take a moment to think of the men and women who
While I am on a brief “maternity leave”, I am welcoming some of my favorite activity, craft, and education bloggers to share a post on
Celebrate World Turtle Day with this Craft for Preschoolers
Happy World Turtle Day! Every year on May 23, the American Tortoise Rescue sponsors World Turtle Day. Beyond learning about turtles and tortoises, the American